يستدل أو يستنتج
To conclude from evidence or premises.
Somebody will imply something and the recipient of the implication will infer from it.
She tried to imply that I could not understand the question.
From what he said, I was able to infer that he did not understand
the situation.
صفة رائع مهول لا يصدق
so implausible as to elicit disbelief/astonishing
صفة : شكاك ميال إلى الشك
skeptical of disbelieving.
The golden tower was utterly incredible.
When I first saw the tower I was utterly incredulous.
صفة : التصريف الثالث – اسم المفعول من الفعل يمر
this is the past tense of the verb to pass.
اسم : الماضى
the time before the present, no longer current.
He passed the ball to the striker.
He hoped that the unfortunate incident was now firmly in the past
صفة تاريخى ( له أثر تاريخى عظيم )
means having importance in or influence on history.
صفة : متصل بالتاريخ
means 'of or relating to the character of history.'
It was a wet day when **** set off on his historic voyage.
The archaeological find was of major historical significance.
فعل : يؤكد – يوافق بشكل ايجابى
to express or maintain positively/affirm.
فعل : يتأكد من
to make sure or certain.
فعل : يؤكد أمر ما
to give confidence/remove doubt.
He was very keen to assert his innocence.
I wanted to ensure that the car would be ready on time.
The mechanic was able to assure me that my car would be ready on time.
فعل : يتمم أو يكمل
to complete, make whole or bring to perfection.
فعل : يعبر عن شكر أو امتنان
an expression of praise, admiration or congratulation.
The wine complemented the fish perfectly.
The guests complimented her on the lovely meal.
فعل : يسبق – يأتى قبل
to come before in time or rank.
فعل : يكمل – يستمر
to go forward or onwards.
The abstract should precede the main body of the report.
I instructed him to proceed with the research.
اسم : نصيحة
is the noun
فعل : ينصح
is the verb.
She gave me some good advice about the problem of noisy neighbours.
I asked him to advise me about my noisy neighbours.
صفة ملكية : ينتمى إليك – يخصك
means belonging to you.
الصيغة المختصرة من you are
is the contracted form of 'you are'.
Are these smelly things your shoes?
You're going to have to get rid of these shoes, they're beyond repair.
صفة : مشمئز
reluctant or unwilling
فعل : يمقت أو يكره
to hate or detest.
I am loath to finish this report; I am uninterested in the subject.
I loathe this room; the wallpaper will have to be changed.